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Beca Ltd
Key Contact: Craig Sharman, MNZPI
Physical: Level 2, Waitomo House, 6 Garden Place, Hamilton.
Postal: PO Box 448, Hamilton.
Region: Waikato
Tel: 07 838 3828
Fax: 0800 578 967
Specialisation: District and Regional Plan Development, Resource consents, Environmental Planning, Strategic Planning and Policy, Plan Changes and Variations, Sustainable Development, Planning Appeals and Environment Court, Architecture, Engineering, Landscape Architecture, Planning Law/RMA, Surveying, Public Consultation, Maori Consultation, Natural Resources, Transportation, Urban Design, Designations
Beca Ltd
Key Contact: Anna Lewis, MNZPI
Physical: 32 Harington Street, Tauranga.
Postal: PO Box 903, Tauranga 3140.
Region: Bay of Plenty
Tel: 07 577 7976
Fax: 0800 578 967
Specialisation: District and Regional Plan Development, Resource consents, Environmental Planning, Strategic Planning and Policy, Plan Changes and Variations, Sustainable Development, Planning Appeals and Environment Court, Architecture, Engineering, Landscape Architecture, Planning Law/RMA, Surveying, Public Consultation, Maori Consultation, Natural Resources, Transportation, Urban Design
Beca Ltd
Key Contact: TBA
Physical: Level 2, 23 Beach Street, Queenstown.
Postal: PO Box 1743, Queenstown 9348.
Region: Central Otago
Specialisation: District and Regional Plan Development, Resource consents, Environmental Planning, Strategic Planning and Policy, Plan Changes and Variations, Sustainable Development, Planning Appeals and Environment Court, Architecture, Engineering, Landscape Architecture, Planning Law/RMA, Surveying, Public Consultation, Maori Consultation, Natural Resources, Transportation, Urban Design
Beca Ltd
Key Contact: Chris Scrafton, MNZPI
Physical: 21 Pitt Street, Auckland.
Postal: PO Box 6345, Wellesley Street, Auckland 1141.
Region: Northland
Tel: 09 336 9494
Fax: 0800 578 967
Specialisation: District and Regional Plan Development, Resource consents, Environmental Planning, Strategic Planning and Policy, Plan Changes and Variations, Sustainable Development, Planning Appeals and Environment Court, Architecture, Engineering, Landscape Architecture, Planning Law/RMA, Surveying, Public Consultation, Maori Consultation, Natural Resources, Transportation, Urban Design
Beca Ltd
Key Contact: Nathan Baker, MNZPI
Physical: 1st Floor, 105 Trafalgar Street, Nelson.
Postal: PO Box 242, Nelson 7040.
Region: Nelson
Tel: 04 471 5508
Fax: 0800 578 967
Specialisation: District and Regional Plan Development, Resource consents, Environmental Planning, Strategic Planning and Policy, Plan Changes and Variations, Sustainable Development, Planning Appeals and Environment Court, Architecture, Engineering, Landscape Architecture, Planning Law/RMA, Surveying, Public Consultation, Maori Consultation, Natural Resources, Transportation, Urban Design
Beca Ltd
Key Contact: Hywel Edwards, MNZPI
Physical: 9 Courtenay Street, New Plymouth 4310.
Postal: PO Box 264, New Plymouth 4340.
Region: Central North Island
Tel: 06 759 5744
Fax: 0800 578 967
Specialisation: District and Regional Plan Development, Resource consents, Environmental Planning, Strategic Planning and Policy, Plan Changes and Variations, Sustainable Development, Planning Appeals and Environment Court, Architecture, Engineering, Landscape Architecture, Planning Law/RMA, Surveying, Public Consultation, Maori Consultation, Natural Resources, Transportation, Urban Design
Beca Ltd
Key Contact: James Taylor, MNZPI
Physical: Level 5, Crombie Lockwood House, 229 Moray Place, Dunedin.
Postal: PO Box 5005, Dunedin 9058.
Region: Otago
Tel: 03 951 2394
Fax: 0800 578 967
Specialisation: District and Regional Plan Development, Resource consents, Environmental Planning, Strategic Planning and Policy, Plan Changes and Variations, Sustainable Development, Planning Appeals and Environment Court, Architecture, Engineering, Landscape Architecture, Planning Law/RMA, Surveying, Public Consultation, Maori Consultation, Natural Resources, Transportation, Urban Design
Beca Ltd
Key Contact: Nathan Baker, MNZPI
Physical: Aorangi House, 85 Molesworth Street, Wellington.
Postal: PO Box 3942, Wellington 6140.
Region: Wellington
Tel: 04 473 7551
Fax: 0800 578 967
Specialisation: District and Regional Plan Development, Resource consents, Environmental Planning, Strategic Planning and Policy, Plan Changes and Variations, Sustainable Development, Planning Appeals and Environment Court, Architecture, Engineering, Landscape Architecture, Planning Law/RMA, Surveying, Public Consultation, Maori Consultation, Natural Resources, Transportation, Urban Design
Beca Ltd
Key Contact: TBA, MNZPI
Physical: ANZ Centre, Level 2, 267 High Street, Christchurch.
Postal: PO Box 13960, Armagh Street, Christchurch 8141.
Region: Canterbury
Tel: 03 966 9134
Fax: 0800 578 967
Specialisation: District and Regional Plan Development, Resource consents, Environmental Planning, Strategic Planning and Policy, Plan Changes and Variations, Sustainable Development, Planning Appeals and Environment Court, Architecture, Engineering, Landscape Architecture, Planning Law/RMA, Surveying, Public Consultation, Maori Consultation, Natural Resources, Transportation, Urban Design
Beca Ltd
Key Contact: Bryce Julyan, MNZPI
Physical: c/- Beca Ltd, 21 Pitt Street, City, Auckland 1010.
Postal: c/- Beca Ltd, PO Box 6345, Wellesley Street, Auckland 1141.
Region: Auckland
Tel: 09 300 9286
Fax: 09 300 9300
Specialisation: District and Regional Plan Development, Resource consents, Environmental Planning, Strategic Planning and Policy, Plan Changes and Variations, Sustainable Development, Planning Appeals and Environment Court, Architecture, Engineering, Landscape Architecture, Planning Law/RMA, Surveying, Public Consultation, Maori Consultation, Natural Resources, Transportation, Urban Design, Designations
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